I travel an awful lot. Domestically and thankfully, not as much internationally has I have in recent times. Getting delayed in airports while inconvenient, has its benefits. currently stuck in Melbourne airport and contemplating what needs to get done
Melbourne is a pretty place. Amazing food, cafe's, bars etc and people. Shity weather though if I was being honest.
Stuck in Melbourne airport again due to delayed flight home with several hours to think.
9th June Canada ride is coming fast!! 5 weeks away! Need to find a way to get back to 250klm a week or more to make sure I am ready, but my boxing bout on 26th May is kinda messing with that. What the hell am I doing a boxing bout for in front of 400 people at Jupiters Casino! Am I mad? Then I remind myself that it is all for charity.
Charitable fitness events is a new driver in my life. Who would have thought 18 months ago that this would become a pre-occupation? Very satisying though and all the peope I am meeting are just fantastic. Should have started this decades ago rather than when turning 50.
Need to get the fund raising for the August Brisbane Conquer Cancer ride moving with everyone too. This years experience will be different. My wife Edith will be joining me. Her first ever major ride.
I feel blessed. Some great challenges lay ahead.